The authorities evacuated 4,000 people at the Eiffel Tower after an anonymous warning of a bomb.
On September 5 came an anonymous warning against Murray, who 'is not trusted by the French Ministry.'
He said he had received anonymous warnings to back off inquiring about Mr. Callejas's death.
Italy halted sales of Israeli grapefruits today after the authorities received anonymous warnings that some of the fruit had been poisoned in a protest against Israel.
"We could send them an anonymous warning."
On the following Tuesday, following a number of anonymous warnings, officers discovered a bomb close to the shop.
The French news agency said American authorities received an anonymous warning about a truck-bomb attack, but American officials did not corroborate this account.
The caseworker was assigned to the family in late May after social services received an anonymous warning about the family.
The anonymous warning was taken seriously by the U.S. government, and the State Department cabled the bulletin to dozens of embassies.
There were anonymous warnings that if by the weekend, the refugee shelter was not "cleaned up," order would be made.