The committee sent anonymous questionnaires to the chief financial officers of 416 non-financial companies on the Fortune 500 list and received responses from half of them.
Half the students were also asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire about their sexual history.
Take an anonymous questionnaire to obtain and apply for the most accurate list of disaster forms of assistance for which you may be eligible.
Thousands of responses from anonymous questionnaires were used as a framework to develop a discourse on human responses to gender and sexuality.
A player can never fill in another anonymous questionnaire again.
An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to 2350 professional women in the United States and Canada with a subsequent 55% return rate.
Complete this anonymous questionnaire to obtain the most accurate list of assistance programs for which you may be eligible.
Take Questionnaire Complete our anonymous questionnaire to obtain the most accurate forms of assistance for which you may be eligible.
These firefighters filled out anonymous self-report questionnaires that gaged their level of stress.
Since this is an anonymous questionnaire, this information is not being saved, and will not be used by any Federal agency.