Promoters of capital punishment play their strongest card when they point to anomalous cases like that of Willie Horton, or seek to exploit a public taste for vengeance.
Discovery cannot, save in exceptional and anomalous cases, be ordered against third parties.
But such a reading is either necessarily false or meaningless, and in any case semantically anomalous.
This committee has successfully issued recommendations in 2010 on 6 anomalous and highly celebrated cases in the labour front, two of which are the following:
The N.B.A. is equipped to argue the anomalous cases of Rainouts versus Hoops.
In an anomalous case, Ropaigealach v Barclays Bank plc a bank had auctioned off a (second) house the owning a family was away.
There are also a few anomalous cases: the verbs be and go, which demonstrate suppletion; the verb do; and the defective modal verbs.
The marker can then have another look at any apparently anomalous cases.
One anomalous case in the West Riding is Royston, which absorbed migrants from the Black Country at the end of the 19th century.
And other than in anomalous cases like the O. J. Simpson criminal trial, there has been little grandstanding in courts that have allowed cameras.