It is too early to predict what will happen to annuity rates in the coming months.
If yields increase back to the 3.5% level seen at the end of July we can expect annuity rates to rise again.
Request a letter showing your current monthly annuity rate.
At first glance, annuity rates do not seem so miserly.
It would be great if the economy were performing better and annuity rates weren't so low but that's where we're at.
Another factor that will need to be taken into account is the prevailing level of interest rates, since these affect annuity rates.
And there have been more reductions in annuity rates - the amount of annual pension someone can buy with their savings.
Few people know that smokers can get much better annuity rates.
He added that shopping around could get you better annuity rates - Aviva would pay £3,194 at age 65, for example.
In the UK it has become common for life companies to base their annuity rates on an individual's location.