Over a quarter of Andorra's annual trade is done with France.
As of 2005, annual bilateral trade between the two countries was valued at United States dollar5 million.
Bilateral annual trade between the two countries is around US$100 million.
According to a 1995 estimate, more than $1.9 billion in annual trade with China had been removed from Federal scrutiny.
The combined annual trade between the two countries is $28 billion in goods and services.
Washington, full of sanctimony, is about to blow its annual trade whistle again.
And if they lose, the free-trade agreement, covering $150 billion in annual trade, seems likely to go down with them.
The total value of annual trade is around Rs.
Average annual trade for five years ending 1878-79, 11,569-viz.
At that time Japan was the state's largest trading partner, with $145 million of annual trade.