The annual tonnage hauled is 50,046 using 556 carloads per year.
The 15,000-ton capacity facility would later prove itself capable of lifting three times the annual tonnage of any other floating dock in the country.
In 1918, 3000 passengers per week used the line and the annual tonnage of freight exceeded 12,000 tons (12,200 tonnes).
Average annual tonnage on the canal in the 1830s was 80,000 tons and 40,000 passengers.
By the 1920s average annual tonnage on the Royal Canal had reduced to 10,000 tons.
Based on the annual tonnage processed, it is ranked as the 14th most important commercial port in France.
The original design planned for an annual tonnage of 1.5 million tons (1.36 million metric tons), but this was exceeded immediately.
By 1868 the annual tonnage had fallen from 360,610 in 1848 to 210,567.
In full operation these yards had more annual tonnage capacity than found in any country before 1918.
The highest annual tonnage was produced in 1907 at over 26 million tons.