The city is among the sunniest in Canada, with 2,405 hours of annual sunshine, on average.
Kunming receives an annual average sunshine of more than 2,400 hours.
There are 205 frost-free days per year on average and the average annual sunshine is 2661 hours.
The longest annual sunshine was 2004.5 hours in 1921.
The shortest annual sunshine was 972.2 hours in 1912.
Climate: Swindon, average temperature 10 c, with 1,600 hours of annual sunshine.
Humidity ranges from 75 to 89% with an average of 45% of annual sunshine.
The average annual sunshine is about 3000 hours.
Balkány has nearly 2,000 hours of annual sunshine, which is the second highest after the Alföld region.
That said, approximate annual sunshine stands at an impressive 2,200 hours.