Approximately 10% of the worldwide annual runoff is used for human necessities.
About 23 percent of the watershed's annual runoff is diverted to the city's water supply.
The Colorado is often over allocated, because apportionments were made on inaccurate measurements of annual runoff.
Average annual runoff: 345 m3 / c, 10.9 km3 / year.
The mean annual runoff is 3,270,000 ML per year.
The Tigris has an average annual runoff of 21.2 km3.
For example, over 85% of the annual runoff from the Colorado River basin originates as snowmelt.
The average annual runoff from the river system into the estuary is reported to be 76 cubic kilometers of freshwater.
The average annual runoff is equivalent to 3 mm over the entire Souris River watershed.
The average multi-annual water flow of about 50 cubic meters/s, the annual runoff 1.5 cu.