At the same time, annual revisions to the inputs and new population controls were also incorporated into the estimates.
An annual revision, announced yesterday, resulted in small changes in earlier months, most of them upward.
Last year, the Pentagon assumed that its shift to a two-year budget cycle had obviated the need for annual revision of its five-year spending plan.
It ran for six years, with annual revisions, and took a year off before returning last week in a new version called "Forbidden Broadway 1988."
In its annual revision of the economic data, it said the economy grew by 3.2 percent in 2005 - not the 3.5 percent previously recorded.
Today's report included a "limited" annual revision of national income and products accounts back through the first quarter of 1993 but the changes were small.
The big surprise came in the department's annual revision of earlier G.N.P. figures.
From 1967 onwards an annual revision was carried out.
But somebody has to shepherd the world's best-selling copyrighted book through its substantial annual revisions.
One innovation of this agreement is precisely that all quotas are now subject to an annual revision, if scientific advice so requests.