He will receive an additional 10 percent of his annual paycheck if 80 percent graduate in six years.
Mr. Davis has no special financing beyond his own $60,000 annual paycheck.
He recently told CBS radio advertising sales managers that he expected to present a sales representative with a $1 million annual paycheck - a first - someday soon.
Of the remaining 13% that were recognized as distributors for further calculations, 50% earned an average annual paycheck of $1213.
About 10.7 million insured Americans spend more than a quarter of their annual paychecks on health care because of the high deductible polices.
Under traditional pensions, companies calculate a retiree's benefit based on length of service and the amount of the annual paycheck in the last few years before retiring.
Bonilla accepted the offer resulting in an annual paycheck of $1.19 million starting in 2011 and will last until 2035.
The average annual paycheck for first-year teachers in 1998-99 was $26,639, while teachers with an average of 16.2 years on the job earned $40,574, the survey showed.
Now 28-years-of-age, in January 1983 he asked for an increase of his $150,000 annual paycheck, knowing that the financially strapped management can't afford.
In 1833, women working in factories earned one-quarter of what men earned; in 2007, women's median annual paychecks were $0.78 for every $1.00 earned by men.