One story centers around preparing roast duck on an annual outing devoted solely to excess.
Neighbors move their cars once a month to clean the street, hold annual outings to Atlantic City and exchange gifts at Christmas.
On Saturday, the Initiative comes back for its third annual outing.
The annual outing is organised by a committee under the chairmanship of John Moores junior, whose father started the event many years ago.
(An annual outing to the seaside has long ago displaced this occasion.)
We have been making these annual scenic outings together for more than two decades.
An annual outing to the coast was organised for staff and families (on two weekends, so that all could attend).
Later, the word came to refer to an annual outing and dinner for the staff of a printing works or the printers on a newspaper.
Has the family grown tired of our annual outings to Anna Maria Island?
They were group pictures, evidently the staff at an annual outing.