Japanese surveillance of Sea Shepherd vessels helps the fleet avoid the protesters as the whalers go about their annual hunt.
And that means the annual hunt for the perfect gift, a prospect that makes some of us break out in a cold sweat.
Before long, it turned into an annual hunt for 500 eggs with a three-tier prize system, followed by a gourmet brunch.
A series of press and cinema advertisements highlighting the annual hunt will target high street supermarket chains which use Faroese fish in their products.
A total of 6,000 pounds of venison bagged in the annual hunt has been donated to local food banks, Mr. Murray said.
And so, the annual hunt for gear is on.
The annual hunt comes before Easter, when capybara has a status in Venezuela similar to that of turkey during Thanksgiving.
Even though it no longer holds the record, Homer has long touted its annual hunt as the world's largest.
The annual hunt, which is administered by the the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, is popular with hunters.
There is an annual hunt for this bird in some places.