This is something like 0.2-0.4 mSv annual dose depending on locale.
An annual dose of zoledronic acid may also prevent recurring fractures in patients with a previous hip fracture.
In comparison, the contributions of the other radionuclides to current annual doses are very small.
Knowing the annual dose received by an "average" person provides some perspective.
This Pie Chart shows the relative contribution of various sources to the average annual dose.
Most (82 percent) of the average annual dose in the 1987 study originated from "background" radiation.
Even now, with one annual dose, the task is gargantuan.
The current annual permitted dose for a radiation worker in the United States is 5 rem.
Be sure to provide fertilizer for the bulbs that have bloomed, too, if they have not already received their annual dose.
By contrast, the average annual dose from natural sources of radiation, excluding radon gas, is about 100 millirem.