An annual charity raising event called the Ducky Derby is held here.
Proceeds from events like dances and civies day go towards the annual charity.
The Council of Voluntary Services and the Volunteer Bureau are organising their second annual charities fair.
From 1980 to 2007 the FDL held its annual charity week, usually the final week of Spring Term.
An annual charity running event, the Kilmovee 10K began in April 2010.
Next, Michael tracks down Lindsay, who is busy preparing for the annual charity Bachelorette Auction at the local country club.
This was first exhibited at the annual charity event, the [Venice Art Walk], on May 20, 2007.
The donation will clearly enhance the charity's annual giving, but it also poses the risk of placing too many eggs in the basket of a single stock.
Nick Chastain and the Scarlet Lady at the annual charity event of the year?
During the visit she was also a guest on most popular local TV shows and took part in the Maltese annual charity, performing Havatum em.