The potential annual catch from the area has been estimated at 4.5 million tons.
In the early 1970s, there were about 700 fishing boats, and the annual catch was more than 300,000 tons.
The annual catch was about 900 tons in 2003.
Statistics from the fisheries commission show that the industry takes at least 90 percent of the annual catch.
The annual catch is less than 10 percent the recorded maximum, and three in ten of the world's fisheries are considered collapsed.
In the 1970s, the annual catch rose to between 200,000 and 300,000 tons.
After the war, between 1945-1954, the total annual catch increased and reached a maximum of 4,900 tonnes.
The annual catch by natives has been estimated at 42 million pounds (19,000 t).
The state's $1 billion annual catch leads the nation.
Each sector receives its own share of the annual catch.