Churchill attended book sales and the sales of medical libraries all over the country, and issued an annual catalogue.
One such is the annual catalogue from Movies Unlimited of Philadelphia.
The Macarthur family published an annual catalogue of their plants.
Both companies produced a substantial annual catalogue, though Tandy's was more consumer-oriented with no data section.
The shop mails an annual catalogue laden with informative grape-growing and wine-making lore.
Clues to the locations of letterboxes are published by the "100 Club" in an annual catalogue.
Seed companies, once limited to publishing annual catalogues, have Web sites packed with features about their products and regionalized tips; they also answer consumers' questions.
An annual catalogue featuring all of the current items is available for free at toystores that carry Playmobil toys.
Railway Directory: an annual catalogue of industry references and contacts.
In addition, they are recognized in Malletech's annual catalogue and other press releases.