The Virginia Bar-B-Que is an annual barbecue held during the first weekend of June.
A beautiful setting in the center of the village, the mill and its surrounding meadow is the site of an annual barbecue.
Instead of Ty shouting with his bullhorn to surprise the school, he sends a small plane with a visual message while the staff and students are having their annual barbecue.
We used to have a gardening committee, a social room for cards and mah-jongg, a lending library, an annual barbecue.
It was the second annual barbecue arranged by a group of black professionals in their 20's, nearly all associates and analysts on the Street.
Every summer, there is an annual barbecue in the Church grounds and every Christmas there is a Carol Service with punch and mince pies post-service.
Steve Trachsel knew the Mets' annual barbecue for the players and their families was to be held after today's game.
In June the co-op had its annual barbecue in the courtyard, and last December the residents put Christmas lights on the iron lamps and trees.
He often acted as a technical advisor for MGM films, and the studio helped the parish raise funds with an annual barbecue.
The 2005 festival had 30 celebrity chefs using three stages, and added an annual barbecue and chili competition which had previously run separately at Westminster Quay since the 1990s.