New York State receives an annual allotment of $22.7 million.
Time away on a pass is not counted against leave, the annual allotment of days off from duty.
A $500,000 annual allotment for open space has been included in a six-year capital budget plan.
The more than 20,000 people being admitted from Guantanamo would be counted as part of the annual allotment for this year and next year, she said.
Thousands are admitted under annual allotments for various areas.
(Its current annual allotment from Congress is $116.5 million, down from $176 million in 1992.)
But county officials said they feared that the annual allotment might be substantially reduced, if not eliminated, during budget negotiations in future years.
Congress instead granted her a pension of daily rations, and an annual allotment of blankets and clothing.
Commission members said they would also recommend eliminating the annual allotment of 10,000 visas for unskilled workers seeking jobs in the United States.
The annual allotment of Federal funds from fiscal year 1988 to fiscal year 1990 are shown in millions of dollars.