The Mic person announces "specials" over the microphone.
The bulletin board on the west wall announced auctions and sales, calf-roping contests, and specials on seeds.
Mr. Dubois announces daily specials as loud and fast as an auctioneer.
Despite no longer driving the Sticks 'N' Stuff-sponsored race car, Gordon continues to appear in the chain's television commercials announcing current specials.
Sunday newspaper inserts announced specials or extended store hours at Herald Square and many branches, but not in Newark.
Roving robots announce specials and new products.
Servers do not routinely announce nightly specials, but some are occasionally available.
It could then mail flyers announcing specials on lube jobs, sound equipment and car-care products.
To supplement that, he worked for E.J. Korvettes on Route 110, announcing 15-minute specials to the shoppers.
Fortunately, the waiters do not announce specials.