Publications widely accuse developers of announcing products early intentionally to gain advantage over others.
Openly announcing new products often affects stock values in publicly traded companies.
One encouraging note is that, while many of the largest companies have announced new products, few have shipped any in significant numbers.
But he said the company would not announce specific products or technologies until 1996.
But this have been the Samsung way for ages, they will announce and kill products left and right.
Apple announces products and shows you what they can do (and down playing the technologies involved).
Silk Road has discussed its technology with a number of telecommunications carriers, he said, but was not ready to announce products or identify customers.
It will announce specific Am486 products, pricing and availability on Thursday.
Several manufacturers are planning to announce products that will work with the iPod to move music to devices around the house.
A few companies also announced new products set to debut in 2012.