He brought me coffee in bed and brightly announced, "I've been thinking about what you said last night -about having a dream together.
"I'll just leave you to it," she announced brightly.
"We're about to get clobbered," brightly announced a woman on Channel 4.
We grieved his loss, and I'm happy to say that no member of our little family brightly announced that 'it's better this way'.
"Grand crab and shore snails, specially imported," she announced brightly from the kitchen.
If this is your first such journey, you may brightly announce to your child, "This will be fun."
"The man with the mind's eye crystals," Fillip announced brightly.
"My beloved says he can get a loan of one billion dollars from the West," she announced brightly.
"However, there was a light in the outer lobby, and I could read the building directory," Worthington announced brightly.
"Something to eat," he announced brightly, holding forth a tray with pieces of bread and fruit on it.