Last month, they announced a fourth project, Este, where units will sell for $190,000 to $280,000.
At the turn of the 21st century, Moscow has announced a new project that would unite few of the older ones.
And it recently announced a project to build a $160 million test plant for manufacturing 16-megabit chips.
On September 25, 2006, officials announced a €100 million project, already in progress, to refurbish the station.
Bell Atlantic previously announced a similar project that would use a different technology.
Other company called "Interagua" has announced a new project that considers water treatment system for this area.
In 1999, the three levels of government announced a large project to revitalize Toronto's waterfront.
In late 2009, Bandai announced a new project greenlit for 2010.
I want to be the very first author to announce a new project for Apple's tablet.
Since the requirement for such weapons still existed, the military quickly announced a follow-up project with similar goals.