Tim Spalding, "The Oracle of Delphi and ancient oracles" An annotated guide.
After all, I had to leave a 12-page annotated guide to life for my family - a detailed schematic on who needed to be where at what time - before I could think of getting on a plane.
As such, it serves as an excellent annotated guide to Internet sites on subjects ranging from science to television to travel.
This is not because the work requires an annotated guide to the characters but because Mr. Taylor is working on several levels at the same time.
Here is an annotated guide to what are generally considered the most important festivals, along with one fading favorite and one newcomer.
(One needs an annotated guide to get through some of the ridiculous sexual metaphors in "Ice Cream.")
Psychological growth through reading: an annotated guide to children's books (p. 166)
Samuel Johnson's library : an annotated guide.
But the show comprises more than 120 works in all, and it comes with an annotated general guide to the collections in which 451 separate items are illustrated and annotated.
An annotated guide to wind chamber music for six to eighteen players.