The first volume consisted of papers read at the Society's fiftieth anniversary conference, and the second, 524 pages, reprinted a selection of articles from earlier issues of the Journal.
CMS 50th anniversary conference was held in Shanghai in December 1985.
In: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth anniversary conference of the National Child Labor Committee, held in New York city December 16-17, 1929.
In 2003, CEMA hosted the CFMN's 30th anniversary conference, with Representative Nell Soto scheduled as keynote speaker.
Celebratory events are being organised throughout the year, including an anniversary conference in Reading this autumn, held in conjunction with the RSC.
AI@50-a 50th anniversary conference, including some of the original delegates.
Mr. Jacob gave the keynote address before an audience of 3,000 on the opening day of the civil rights group's 80th anniversary conference at the New York Hilton.
It was Secretary of State Baker's idea, and it proved to be the key to the successful conclusion of the 40th anniversary conference of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Pick It Up (2006) Recorded live at the 10th anniversary conference.
The sounds floated through the Purchase College campus recently, when the International Trumpet Guild met for its 25th anniversary conference.