She refreshed a traditional bolognese sauce by substituting fennel for celery, adding anise seed and omitting the heavy cream.
Pour sugar though a strainer into bowl of a mixer; discard anise seeds that remain in strainer.
Bromoanisole, also known as para-bromoanisole or 1-bromo-4-methoxybenzene, is a clear liquid with a pleasant smell similar to that of anise seed.
Candy-covered anise seeds called muisjes, sometimes mistaken for traditional nonpareils, are sometimes offered at breakfast in the Netherlands to be served on bread and butter.
In many cuisines beans are cooked along with natural carminatives such as anise seeds, coriander seeds and cumin .
Combine anise seeds and water in a small saucepan.
It consists of anise seeds, sugar, flour and lemon.
Beschuit is a typical Dutch type of biscuit, muisjes are sugared anise seeds.
Lightly sauteed zucchini and mushrooms, one evening's offering, featured crunchy anise seeds imparting a hint of licorice.
She took tiny but equal amounts of anise seed and fragrant valerian root from it.