Buddy Barrel became the animated representation of the small barrel banks.
It is a real-time fully animated representation of the Irryan Colonies.
For the second time, the fully animated, real-time representation of the Irryan Colonies assumed its shape before Council.
The sketch featured animated representations.
In a study that reflected the views of 700 individuals, through a series of 5 studies, 3 of which involved animated representations of people walking.
His shape was a kaleidoscopic whirl against the window shade, showing on the screen like an animated representation of a hurricane.
A new character, "Canada", a green, abstract animated representation of the map of Canada, was also introduced.
When the nightmare spirits attack, they gather and swirl like a vaporous oil slick that smothers its victims with an animated representation of fear and despair.
The sketch featured animated representations, if not the voices, of all four brothers.