The "Glorious Cause" exhibition also contains a large, unstretched painting, garishly colorful, animated and raw, like a circus banner.
His earliest films, made between 1955 and 1965 mostly consist of animated paintings and collage films, combined in a form of organic development.
Surging and swelling characterizes the most effective of these animated paintings.
His 'animated paintings' are made using Lightwave 3d and Adobe After Effects.
Georges Schwizgebel, animated paintings, trilingual (English/French/German) monograph.
Peabody wouldn't have said so, at least not if she used the animated painting she was currently trying to study.
As if in an animated de Chirico painting, a great stone hand advances through the mist, followed by the massive antique bust to which it belongs.
It features almost no spoken dialogue, and its spare plot and visual style have led to it being described as an 'animated painting.'
The container, an animated painting in the void, moves slowly toward and then away from the audience.
It's pretty, like ... I don't know an animated painting.