The program's principal character is Bumper, an animated brown bear who is spending the day at a water park with his family.
As expected, some will feature the popular animated polar bears in holiday and Olympic-theme spots.
Hit The Bear focuses on the player aiming for and shooting at either a large or a small animated bear that walk through an on-screen forest.
Creative Artists is at work on 30 more Coke commercials, including a sequel to a popular spot starring animated polar bears.
Made in Switzerland, these pieces are usually of rough, carved wood and feature animals such as animated bears.
Gorky is the bear, very animated.
In another, animated polar bears proclaim Coke is "always cool."
However, the hilarious "Kung Fu Panda 2" star isn't the only celebrity to voice an animated bear in a movie.
He merges his consciousness with that of the game's protagonist (as Tommy once did), a digitally animated bear.
It features an animated bear doing a rap music song, dancing soup cans, and the Campbell Kids as backup singers.