In this case, the "split-screen" featured graphic and animated advertisements on the upper portion of the screen.
Along with the information come 15- and 30-second animated advertisements that appear in a corner of the Pointcast screen.
Since 2005 he has also directed the "Talk to Chuck" campaign of animated advertisements for Charles Schwab.
His animated advertisements though are perhaps the least well-remembered part of his career.
This is particularly useful for embedding animated advertisements like banner ads.
His last completed work was on two animated advertisements for the Alberta Government, and.
Near the end of 2010, a new advertising campaign began made up of amateurish computer animated advertisements, supposedly made in 15 minutes, created with the computer software program Xtranormal.
When the user clicks on a link to go to another page, the animated advertisement plays up to 20 seconds while the other page loads.
For this reason, an animated advertisement (or a series of such advertisements) can be very long-running, several decades in many instances.
In January 2011, an animated advertisement featuring Queen's "Somebody to Love" began running, with a tag line of "18 million strong and still growing".