Turtle realizes he can gain some advantage by feeding a strange creature with animal meat.
Hand axes have been shown to be particularly effective at cutting animal meat from the bone and jointing it.
It is the latter who has the transformational capabilities for the very creation of animal meat.
Very few calories should come from saturated fat, which is found in animal meat and processed foods.
In medieval times, seafood was less prestigious than other animal meats, and often seen as merely an alternative to meat on fast days.
Both the flesh and internal organs could be buried immediately, or preserved with salt in the same manner as animal meat.
I believe that, one day, we might even decide to stop eating animal meat.
In this inaccessible dense forest ancient people lived surviving on fruits, roots and animal meat.
It makes little sense to feed an animal meat, then eat its meat.
Industries currently depending on the sale of animal meat would receive provisional financial support from the government.