The animals at the waterhole panicked and galloped for the trees.
The frightened animals gave out ungodly squeals and swung away from the explosive chaos of the camp, galloping headlong back into the desert night.
A small animal galloped into the room and flew toward Grag in terror.
In another moment the three freed animals were galloping back along the road to the northeast, in the direction from which they had come.
Sped by pain and panic, the animal galloped mindlessly.
The other animals had galloped away in fright.
As they went sail- ing into air, the animals galloped every which way, bucking and kicking.
Circuses were in need of music that would stir the audience into a frenzy, as four-footed animals galloped across the ring.
His shot was true, and the animal galloped away in alarm with the rest of the herd.
Then, I suddenly realized that a rather large animal was galloping toward me at full speed from the north end of the esplanade.