They raced through a long brick tunnel that smelled strongly of animal excrement, the cement floor covered with straw.
Infection in humans typically occurs by exposure to animal excrement through the respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts.
It smelled like a zoo-that peculiar mix of animal excrement and sawdust in a confined space.
At five of seven sites studied, N. lowii pitchers were found to contain significant amounts of animal excrement.
In a few cases he opened up the bodies and/or skull cases and filled them with animal excrement.
Males and females work in pairs to dig burrows beneath animal excrement.
In order to facilitate the putrefaction process, the lot was covered with animal excrement.
However, animal excrement is easily fragmented and destroyed, so usually has little chance of becoming fossilized.
NO emissions originate from animal excrement and from the use of nitrogenous fertiliser.
Many Sepsidae apparently play an important biological role as decomposers of animal excrement.