Mole catchers were employed by some canal companies because of the problems which the animal could cause.
The animal killed over 400 registered sheep and caused damages in excess of $32,000 before being killed.
The animal turns another wheel, which is engaged with the noria and so causes it to turn.
Such animals, through no fault of their own, were causing conflict of many kinds.
She said that an animal would cause his death.
I take calls from police departments in the middle of the night and go out and remove whatever animal is causing the trouble.
Stuffed animals, stormy winds, and other people's pets can cause your allergy attacks.
These animals can cause significant damage to a crop by digging up and eating newly planted seeds or young plants.
Such unwanted animals in the trap may cause the collector several problems:
The increased consumption of legumes, or animals that eat them, causes N in the body to decrease.