The angular melodies, the driving rhythms, the dissonant yet strangely 'right' sounding harmonies - they are all there.
Its four movements are full of bright, mildly angular melodies, many derived from a concise opening theme.
Mr. Adolphe's style is eclectic, with Minimalist ostinatos and rigorously angular melodies working well together.
Throughout the piece, in fact, Mr. Wheeler draws on Minimalist techniques, using repeated fragments of angular melodies, mostly as an underpinning.
Mr. Monk, who died in 1982 at the age of 64, was a noted pianist and composer known both for his angular melodies and harmonic progressions.
Both Britten works received strong performances, and their angular melodies set off Byrd's sinuous lines beautifully.
But Mr. Ma's delicate, angular melodies are generally swathed in a texture so derivative and familiar that one has a hard time hearing anything else.
Bonvissuto played a sequence of spare chords with no clear tonal center, and above them on the right hand a wandering angular melody.
Mr. Assad's suite is an intricately textured beauty with jazzy harmonies and mildly angular melodies.
The free-form dissonant improvisation was underpinned by angular melodies drawn from Cowell.