The money ran out, as did his understandably angry wife.
As the couple with their baby were leaving the hotel, Wim said something plaintive-sounding to his angry wife.
The enemy, it is said, was his angry wife.
But last night, his angry wife accused the Government of using him as a scapegoat.
He goes home to an angry wife, Cleo.
Wu-Tsing, therefore, is known to be afraid to face the ghost of an angry or scorned wife.
But scandals such as the one given publicity by the naval captain's angry wife could not be ignored.
To talk about "the relationship" with Paul's angry wife hovering at the edges of their minds was too exhausting.
The unnamed subject of the song is eventually taken to divorce court by his angry wife.
He had small children, an angry wife, and it was, after all, Christmas Eve.