Even so, the angry villagers surround Gabelle's house, hoping for vengeance.
You don't want to mess with the angry villagers, man.
They are also having to answer angry villagers, who until recently backed the Taliban and still feel tribal and family ties to the movement.
Quickly, some angry local villagers surrounded them, there was a scuffle, and the paratroopers had to be rescued by the military police.
It was better than getting pounded by a dozen angry villagers.
I had a swamp monster running from its creator and angry villagers.
A player may be almost anything to fit the storyline, such as a rebel, an angry villager, a scientist or more.
Siva, an angry villager, decides to sell his harvests in the city.
The villagers, still angry at him, attack Jayden, apparently killing him.
Bruno goes to the mountains to hide from the angry villagers.