Instead the angry populace marched to the south attacking castles, royal officials, priests, lepers and Jews.
They also expect higher defense spending, a slowing down of the conversion of military factories to peaceful production and measures to placate an angry populace.
On January 13, 532 a tense and angry populace arrived at the Hippodrome for the races.
Within a year, Aghajari believed, Ahmadinejad would face an angry and disappointed populace.
Promoted by members of both political parties in response to an angry populace, capital punishment is a mirage that distracts society from more fruitful, less facile answers.
The great sun of the morning lay struggling in gray mist, and on the deck the seamen swarmed like the angry populace of a broken hive.
Give the appearance that people in power are being castigated and exposed - in order to calm an angry populace.
The Sardaukar clamped down, enforcing order among the angry and restless populace.
The common people can see on TV that all these oppressors are being driven out by an angry populace.
Eventually Marie Antoinette, assumed to be a key player in the affair by an increasingly angry and restless populace, meets her fate on the guillotine.