Using the n-word multiple times, and arguing back and forth with angry patrons, Richards shocked millions.
Some angry patrons stomped out after waiting 45 minutes for a predinner drink, much less for food.
The ushers, seemingly unaware of any problem, were beseiged by angry patrons at intermission.
"He saw the film repeatedly just to see that scene, and was often shushed by angry patrons when his delighted laughter got too loud."
It took some fast talking to mollify many angry patrons.
They promised hundreds of angry patrons that the 3,008 machines would be back in operation soon.
This caused a near riot at the entrances of the arena, with many of its glass doors being kicked in by angry patrons.
After half an hour of this, as the angry patrons began to drift into the night again in quest of other pleasures, Rondo came to himself and remembered to run.
Then he discovered the "lost" coin in his pocket, apologized profusely and beat a retreat from his angry patron.
Banks would be flooded with mobs of angry patrons.