The wind was rising, coming in sudden, angry gusts; the storm was at hand, but we reached shelter before it broke.
His helmet receiver registered an angry gust of breath as the man below saw the short-paced ladder and the scuff-marks.
The wind sighed heavily through the trees, then whistled eerily as its angry gusts rose violently in the night.
As the boys neared the Bahamas, the first angry gusts of wind whipped against the cabin.
The winds died down to merely savage gales, at twilight, and then slowly diminished to more angry gusts.
Clouds roiled above the masthead and angry gusts puckered the water, sending wavelets curling off the steering oar.
A moaning wind swept it in angry gusts.
Even here angry gusts were rattling and shaking at hastily slammed shutters.
A scudding rain, just turning into sleet, swept the deck in angry gusts, like a nagging woman who cannot leave a subject alone.
The wind had picked up, and now it whistled dissonantly across the courtyard in angry gusts.