She looked from her grandson's angry glower to Caroline's pale face.
Judging from his angry glower and the thunderous tone of his voice, he didn't seem to be inquiring about the weather.
This drew a snicker from Vala, which drew an angry glower from Keya.
His angry glower, as much as his green civilian tunic, distinguished him from the Enterprise personnel.
I would like to see him sent to nations where a stern word and angry glower would soon bring despots to heel.
It was an angry glower, though, not frightened.
I glanced back at my friends, noting Angelique's apprehension and the Rat Rasier's angry glower.
At the sound of Dinin's disgusted sigh, though, Vierna did spin about, an angry red glower in her narrow-set eyes.
"My kindred, then," Entreri teased, his delight absolute when Drizzt turned an angry glower at him.
His angriest glower did not seem to stir the sulky car, and in disgrace it was hauled off to a garage.