Last month, the angry charge at the 9/11 commission was that our intelligence was weak and ineffective.
The guards retreated before the angry charge of a half ton of automobile.
Justice Holmes was himself the target of an angry charge that he had fallen asleep in the courtroom.
It was an angry charge, not a question.
India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their independence in 1947 and continue to trade angry charges on a variety of issues.
This brings us to the President's third proposal, a complicated accounting device that has provoked angry charges of "double counting."
From the day it occurred, the shooting was a focus of angry charges concerning the police department's use of force, especially against blacks.
A malpractice suit has aired angry charges against a top firm involved in the Johnson case while provoking a legal attack on an outspoken judge.
Minutes later came angry charges of kicking and elbowing, illegal contact in a supposedly noncontact sport.
For more than a year now, the bank has been torn by angry charges between executives of the two predecessor banks.