In the locker room afterward, John Abraham angrily questioned the Jets' play-calling on both sides of the ball.
And now hemophiliacs are angrily questioning whether the AIDS disaster among them could have been lessened with earlier warnings about blood products.
Some scientists angrily question the trials; they say the tests included too few women and didn't follow them long enough.
Though many New Yorkers angrily questioned the increase, there were exceptions.
Then he angrily questioned the mahout as Jahan translated.
At a hearing conducted by the education committee, Council members also angrily questioned Edison executives about how the company intended to pay for improvements it had proposed.
Many displaced vendors and some residents angrily questioned why the Giuliani administration had used so many police officers to relocate people merely trying to make a living.
He grabbed her shoulders again as he questioned angrily, "What are you doing here?
"It'll go away, it'll pass," said the smoothly self-adjusting lawyer who first came to town angrily questioning whether Mr. Clinton was a "misogynist."
When Srinivasa Raghavan angrily question Mythili, she retorts that he, having never provided for the family, has no fatherly rights to ask about her business.