He angrily confronts her, then walks out, but remains undecided over whether to end their marriage.
The director and star eventually broke off, with her angrily confronting him.
They angrily confront Victor, who informs them that he did not direct the police's attention there.
Ken angrily confronts her and demands that they meet, which she did not agrees to.
Tyler angrily confronts him after the show, which drives a further wedge between the two.
He angrily confronted his adoptive mother, who died soon afterward.
Jack suspected Steve had kidnapped his wife, and angrily confronted him.
Even though Sheridan angrily confronted her later about it, she stood by her decision.
Gervais angrily confronts him, saying what he did was wrong.
Reminded of his own childhood, he angrily confronted the violent dad.