But environmentalists angrily charge the spirit has been violated.
Mr. M'Bow angrily charged that "blackmail and disinformation" blocked his attempt to win another six-year term after 13 years of running down the place.
Sulu again ignored the fact that a giant crystalline scorpion was angrily charging him, and met the blade with his own.
She was about to charge angrily through the half-open door and demand an accounting when she heard her mother's voice clearly.
Last week, Armstrong angrily charged a French television crew with trying to infiltrate his team's quarters.
While the committee angrily charged that Mr. Monticciolo had benefited from helping developers, whether any laws were broken is another matter.
The police union, the Milwaukee Police Association, moved just as quickly, angrily charging that he had failed to support his officers.
Accounts of what came next were contradictory, with some of the adults in the group charging angrily that the theater's staff was slow to respond with help.
The Europeans angrily charge that Congressional support for ending the arms embargo could force the peacekeepers to be withdrawn.
She tries to revive him, and addresses him as if he were still alive, angrily charging him with being unfaithful to her.