Arjun is also angered about the fact that his daughter has developed a crush for Karan.
The general public was angered about warfare in the streets.
Some were angered about the release, but others had learned a measure of philosophical restraint from the case.
Wilson was angered about this, saying, "It was the worst mistake they ever made".
Angered by tough questions about the failure to provide enough classrooms, he said: "Learning isn't about the number of children in school.
But he is also angered by the level of public cynicism about the Legislature and the state itself.
O'Connor was angered about the show's cancellation, maintaining that the show ended with an inappropriate finale.
It is hard to blame those angered by some of Kapuscinski's more careless statements about Africa.
And herself, mistrustful of him, angered by his wrong assumptions about her, pretending to go along with the programme he'd arranged!
Mr. Cochran said he has been angered by some of the comments about the jury for the civil trial.