In decades past when mayors angered municipal unions, union leaders often provoked angry confrontations.
And why not when Danny Alexander, the Lib Dem Treasury minister, angered already irate unions with a pre-emptive decision on the pensions deal they thought they were still negotiating?
But now some White House officials say they hope he will strengthen his support, even if it means angering unions.
His comments, however, have angered unions as it appeared Labour was effectively accepting the public sector pay freeze.
It has angered other unions by convincing their members to join its ranks, in part by promising never to grant concessions to the airlines despite the industry's deep woes.
Mr. Goodwin had angered unions at the airline, which is owned by employees.
The five-month-old center-right government has angered unions and worried workers with plans to privatize state-run companies, reform the costly pension system and cut spending.
The order, issued on Jan. 7, has angered unions, which say the president is exploiting the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 to pursue a campaign against unions.
But the move could backfire if it angers other unions, which until now have not honored the picket lines.
While that approach has made the company a darling of Wall Street, it has angered some patients, unions and community activists.