Slowly, anger seeped in to replace the shock and horror of Hal's attack.
She stared at him coolly as anger seeped in to replace sadness.
The anger had seeped from him, leaving the haunted man she'd seen briefly before.
The anger was seeping away now, to be replaced by a certain deliberate coldness.
The anger had seeped out of him, and he was left with a pervasive sadness that lay in his body like a deep bruise.
She spoke his name again, quietly this time because now the anger was seeping away, to be replaced by misery.
More anger seeped through her quiet tone than she had intended.
Despite her attempt to control it, the anger seeped through.
When his anger seeped away, the butler stood panting.
"You're right" The anger seeped out of her as she rose.