The announcement angered residents, who mounted a campaign to keep the beach under local control.
This last project especially angers residents who said the money would have been better spent on rebuilding their broken homes.
The plan, which angered suburban residents because it means the removal of hundreds of houses, will take at least 15 years to complete.
Two changes that took effect in February particularly angered older residents.
Such incidents were nerve-racking, to say the least, and have angered local residents.
The planned development angered local residents, who insisted the building should be kept as a cinema.
The proposal angered local area merchants and residents, who formed a petition to halt the project.
The realignment angered residents, whether in the pipeline corridor or not.
That's precisely what angers residents on the streets that will abut the new building.
A1 Plans for a mansion in Riverdale have angered residents who live near it.