Gruber then angered Braves fans and players by mocking the "Tomahawk Chop" as he left the field.
Before the tournament, Nicklaus had angered several players by characterizing some of the successful over-50 golfers as "marginal players."
These demands initially angered editors and other players, but helped to pave the way for the rise of full-time chess professionals who earn most of their living from playing, writing and teaching.
The incident angered players in the Broncos' locker room, temporarily creating a furor about race in sports.
The decision also angered former players including Michael Holding who at the time was a member of the ICC cricket committee.
His on-air bluntness sometimes angered players.
The absence of owners from negotiating meetings has angered players, a group of whom always attends sessions, depending on when and where they're held.
King's play presents a problem for Coach Chuck Daly: Does he give King more minutes and risk angering other players?
Instead, the N.B.A. has angered players and coaches, who say the use of microphones during games is intrusive.
He angered players when an arbitrator found in 1988 that he had been intimately involved in the owners' collusion against free agents.