The playground incident angered parents and community leaders.
Mr. Diaz's vote angered Ms. Huntley and parents at the school.
But the mayor's brash decision to remove panel members and stack the vote in his favor angered parents, elected officials and union leaders.
Ambrose's sermons on these lines angered parents.
But that angered working parents whose children had to ride the bus for more than half an hour while their classmates were dropped off.
The closing has angered parents and sent school officials scrambling to find other places for the students in an already overcrowded system.
The assembly made students cry and angered parents.
Her death angered parents of students at the school, who said they had complained to school officials about unsafe conditions at the construction project.
After he had angered Hispanic parents by criticizing bilingual education, she asked him to reconsider and visit her school.
In the years leading up to the mid-1960's, the rigidities and the remoteness of the system justifiably angered parents and the general public.